I have a personal connection to Chadsmoor, as my family originate from this area of Staffordshire. My father was also instrumental in helping to raise funds for the war memorial which now stands in the town, and on which is carved the name of my Great Grandfather, Thomas Brough who was shot and killed by a sniper on Christmas Day. Thomas was a member of the Royal Engineer’s regiment as an explosive’s expert. At 46 he was too old to enlist but went to war regardless to look after his two sons. Sadly, both his sons survived and came home, but he did not.
Because of this connection, I was extremely honoured to be invited to the Act of Remembrance service at Chadsmoor Bethany Baptist Church. Led by the Reverend Stephen Jackson, the service began in the church. As part of this service, it was my privilege to be able to present the bible reading. The congregation then processed from the Church to the War Memorial for the wreath laying ceremony.
93 men from Chadsmoor were killed in the First and Second World Wars and it was very important to me that we remember those who gave their lives for our freedom. It was also immensely poignant seeing my grandfather’s name on the memorial, and as my father passed away in January of this year, I felt it was my duty to remember them both. Thank you also to Chadsmoor Bethany Baptist Church for organising such a moving and emotive ceremony.