The High Sheriff of Staffordshire

The High Sheriff of Staffordshire

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Burton upon Trent
Lichfield Cathedral
Staffordshire Moorlands
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Celebrating Harvest Thanksgiving at Lichfield Cathedral

It’s a true pleasure to attend a service at Lichfield Cathedral. Christians have worshiped in this magnificent building since the seventh century and being within its walls is always an honour. On Sunday 6th October I was privileged enough to be a member of the congregation for the Harvest Thanksgiving, which was hosted by the NFU and the Young Farmers Club.

With President, The Very Revd Adrian Dorber (Dean) and Preacher Canon Andrew Stead it was a memorable service in a beautiful and sacred setting.

Highlights of the ceremony included the Children’s Church Blessing and of course, the Harvest Offering – which this year was prepared by the Cathedral’s Flower Guild and was carried through the congregation and presented at the altar. Also, there was a small livestock display and other agricultural exhibits.

Members of the worshipping community brought gifts to support the local foodbank, which were also received by the President and Deacons at the altar.

Thank you all for a wonderful service and for the congregation’s hard work and generous donations.