The High Sheriff of Staffordshire

The High Sheriff of Staffordshire

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Celebratory carol service with Staffordshire Police and Fire & Rescue

On the 15th December, Staffordshire Police and Staffordshire Fire & Rescue held a Joint Emergency Services Carol Service at Lichfield Cathedral, to which I was very kindly invited.

The service began with a welcome from the Dean of Lichfield, the very Revd Adrian Dorber, and the congregational carol before we were led in the Invitation. The first lesson, Isaiah 9.2-7, was read by Gareth Morgan, Chief Constable, before Howard Watts, Director of Prevent and Protect FARS, read the second lesson, Hebrews 1.1-3.

The third lesson, St Luke 1.26-31, 38, was led by Hilary Barrett, Police Community Support Officer at Lichfield, who was followed by Ryan Doolan, Volunteer at Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Service, who read the fourth lesson, St Luke 2.1–7. The entire congregation joined the choir in singing “O little town of Bethlehem” before Mark Smith, Neighbourhood and Partnership Chief Inspector at Lichfield, read Lesson Five, St. Luke 2.8-16.

Denise Rowe, a member of the support staff at Staffordshire Fire and Rescue, read the sixth lesson, Shepherd, based upon Luke 2.8-20, before we all sang “While Shepherds watched their flocks by night”. The seventh lesson, St Luke 4.16-21, was given by Emily Thompson, a Staffordshire Police Cadet, which was followed by the hymn “Joy to the World”. The final lesson of the service, The Letter to the Colossians 1.15-20, was read by Evie Johnson, a Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Service Cadet, before we were led in prayers by the Dean. After singing “O come all ye faithful” the Chaplains conducted The Prayers. The service was concluded with the Blessing by the Bishop of Lichfield and the singing of “Hark! The Herald Angles Sing”.

The entire service was extremely enjoyable and uplifting and definitely put us all in a very festive mood. I would like to thank the services for their kind invitation and for treating us all to a wonderful Christmas service.