Duties and responsibilities
The Office of High Sheriff is an independent, non-political Royal appointment for a single year.
The duties associated with the role have evolved over time however the focus of the appointment remains to support the Crown in all matters and the judiciary. In modern times, this often involves playing an active role in community safety and promoting the interests of the criminal justice agencies and voluntary organisations which are working together to prevent crime and reduce demand for blue light services. Many are also committed to increasing the profile of the work of local crime reduction initiatives, particularly those that offer diversionary activities and skills training to young people and other vulnerable people.
By nature of their Royal appointment, High Sheriffs are well-placed to honour and recognise the achievements of members of the community who go above and beyond the call of duty to protect their communities, the wider public and maintain the reputation of their county. A number of High Sheriffs have established their own personal awards system which they present to the unsung heroes within small charity or voluntary groups who have delivered outstanding service to their cause. On occasions, High Sheriffs will also present one-off awards to those, who in the opinion of a Judge during a criminal trial, have actively apprehended an offender in the interests of public safety.
High Sheriffs are entitled to organise their duties and day-to-day activities according to their particular skills, experience and own areas of interest including their designated charities. The key responsibilities of the appointment are as follows:
- To uphold and enhance the ancient Office of High Sheriff and to make a meaningful contribution to the High Sheriff’s County throughout the year of Office.
- To lend active support the Constitution within the county – the Royal Family, the Judiciary, the Police, and other law enforcement agencies, the emergency services, local authorities, the Church and faith groups.
- To assist and support visiting High Judges to the county, offering hospitality and attending to them at Court
- To support the Lord-Lieutenant during Royal visits and on other appropriate ceremonious occasions.
- Acting as Returning Officer for parliamentary elections
- Proclaiming the accession of a new Sovereign and maintaining the loyalty of subjects to the Crown
- Appointing an Under Sheriff and carrying out various ceremonial functions
- Nominating a future High Sheriff
- To actively promote the work of the voluntary sector within the county, raising awareness of the initiatives underway for the benefit of the wider community
The origin of High Sheriffs dates back to Saxon times, when the ‘Shire Reeve’ was accountable to the king for the maintenance of law and order within the shire – or county – and for the collection and return of taxes due to the Crown.
Currently, there are 55 High Sheriffs serving across the counties of England and Wales. The High Sheriff is a voluntary role and those appointed to the position meet all the costs of their office each year without any expenses falling on the public purse.
Under Sheriff
At the start of their term of office, the High Sheriff has a legal duty to appoint an Under Sheriff, usually a local solicitor, to assist at ceremonial occasions and undertake other legal matters such as those relating to parliamentary elections. Usually, an Under Sheriff will have held the post for a number of years for the purpose of continuity.
Chaplain to the High Sheriff
In addition to the appointment of an Under Sheriff, the Office requires a Chaplain to be installed for support, advice and assistance at shrieval church services and other important occasions. High Sheriffs traditionally appoint their own Chaplain for the voluntary role.
High Sheriff Blessing
Let us pray.
Grant your grace and guidance, Almighty God,
to all who work for the voluntary organisations
in the County of Staffordshire;
support and encourage them,
that by their skill and compassion
they may bring help to those who are in need,
and bestow on all of us, we pray, O Lord,
a desire to serve our neighbour,
a respect for all creation,
and a sense of duty to one another
and to you;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.