The High Sheriff of Staffordshire

The High Sheriff of Staffordshire

High Sheriff Badge
Burton upon Trent
Lichfield Cathedral
Staffordshire Moorlands
Staffordshire Rural View
Stoke on Trent
The Park at Stafford
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Poppies: Weeping Window

I was delighted to attend the opening of the iconic Poppies: Weeping Window at Middleport Pottery yesterday. The installation looks amazing and is certainly thought provoking when you think each poppy represents a life lost in WW1.  All the poppies were made in Stoke-on-Trent so it is apt that they should return to Stoke for the final venue on the regional tour.  Do go and see this incredible display if you can – it is at Middleport for the next six weeks.  Proud to be from Stoke.  #1418NOW