The High Sheriff of Staffordshire

The High Sheriff of Staffordshire

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Sanctus St Mark’s

My Chaplain, Consort and I visited Sanctus St Mark’s in Shelton yesterday to see the amazing work that Rev Sally and her volunteers do to make refugees and asylum seekers feel welcome and safe.  Judging by the numbers and activity we saw, there is a big demand locally for this support.

This is a Drop In centre offering a friendly face, a listening ear, help with bureaucracy, emergency accommodation, assistance with food, baby equipment, English language lessons, translation services – and spiritual care.  There are also  ‘stay and play’ activities for pre-school children.

The sessions are supported by a team of committed volunteers, Sexual Health Services, Mental Health, Asylum Support Team, Citizens Advice Bureau and other voluntary organisations.

“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me”. Matthew 25:35