You don’t have to be Bear Grylls to volunteer. The Scouts need tea makers, activity planners, tidy-uppers and helpers for as little or as much time as they can spare. There are 600 young people waiting to become Scouts, Beavers, Cubs or Explorers in Staffordshire. We now need more adult volunteers to help them achieve that dream.
Having recently attended Staffordshire Scout’s Annual General Meeting, I saw for myself what scouting does for young people and heard how the current volunteers want to give places to all these extra young people. However, they told me that they need more people to join the volunteer team. So, I hope to help by using my voice as High Sheriff of Staffordshire over the rest of my Shrieval year.
The Scout Association, which is open to girls and boys between six and 18, knows that people lead busy lives – so they have introduced flexible roles which mean that people can give as much or a little time as they can spare and can do a range of roles from leaders to administrative and trustee positions.
Chief Scout Bear Grylls has said that “volunteering changes us all for the better.”
If you have time and enthusiasm to give to this valuable organisation in the Staffordshire region, contact Pat Russell, County Chair of Staffordshire County Scouts at Pat.Russell@staffordshirescouts.org.uk, who will help you to find out more.