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Survey says “YES” to the benefits of scouting!

Survey says “YES” to the benefits of scouting!

Having been given the opportunity to review the results of the 2018 Scout Experience Survey, I’ve been delighted to learn just how positive an impact Scouting is making on young people in these modern times – further supporting my call for volunteers to offer any amount to spare time to help the organisation’s endeavours. The Scout Experience Survey gathers its findings from the thousands of Scouts, non-Scouts, parents and carers, volunteers and Scout Network members who filled in last year’s online survey.

Independent data analysts collated and analysed the information to help the Scouts assess its impact on young people and find out how satisfied Scouts themselves are with their Scouting experience.

Based on responses to a variety of questions about their daily lives, activities, interests, citizenship and wellbeing, the research compares the experience of young people aged 13-17 not in Scouting, to those of the same age group in Scouts.

The great news is that the survey’s results show that Scouting truly is bringing out the best in individuals, who are contributing more to their communities. Scouting is making an impact that wouldn’t be possible if it weren’t for volunteers.

Here are just a few of the report’s fantastic findings:

Scouts are experiencing the outdoors more (and living more adventurous lives) and when it comes to valuing the outdoors, Scouts score 18% higher. Reported as being physically active more often, Scouts are 8.6% more likely to try new things and are 16% more likely to have the courage to take risks and tackle challenging activities.

Scouts are developing better skills for life:

Scouts are problem solvers, scoring 7.6% higher in this area and 15.6% higher on independence.

They’re also better communicators, scoring 9.3% higher.

Scouting contributes to wellbeing:

Scouts score 5.8% higher on happiness. Compared to those not in Scouting, Scouts score 4.8% higher on perseverance and grit and 2.7% higher on confidence and self-esteem.

Scouting creates leaders:

When it comes to being responsible and trustworthy, Scouts score 7.7% higher. They score 6% higher on being a team player and an impressive 12.7% higher on leadership.

Scouts make good citizens:

When it comes to contributing to others, Scouts score 6% higher than those not in Scouting. They are over 5% more likely to vote in the next general election and voluntarily help others or the environment for almost 6 hours more every month. They also feel a sense of responsibility to people in their local community and score almost 10% higher on this outcome, whilst scoring 9.3% higher on having friends in other countries.

Scouts are more connected:

Scouts score 5.3% higher on meaningful relationships and are caring – scoring 5.7% higher in this area than those not in Scouting. They feel 4.3% warmer towards people from race or ethnic backgrounds different from their own and score 7.8% higher when it comes to getting along well with people of different races, cultures, and religion.

Scouts feel 5.3% warmer towards those from religious backgrounds different from their own and feel 4.1% warmer towards elderly people.

Compared to those not in Scouting, Scouts are 11.8% more trusting towards people and feel 5.7% warmer towards people who are gay or lesbian.

Without doubt, it’s a terrific organisation which helps young people develop, experience and learn. If you have any time to spare at all, please consider getting involved as a volunteer to continue the Scouting movement’s good work. Email