The High Sheriff of Staffordshire

The High Sheriff of Staffordshire

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The High Sheriff of Worcestershire Shrievalty Service

On Sunday 20th October I was honoured to take part in the Evensong Shrieval Service at the Cathedral Church of Christ and the Blessed Mary the Virgin of Worcester for the High Sheriff of Worcestershire, Mr Edward Holloway.

The service began with a procession, which included myself, other visiting High Sheriffs and judges, that led from The Guesten into the Cathedral. On arrival, we were greeted with a welcome and introduction from the Dean of Worcester, Peter Atkinson, before we all sang the hymn ‘Praise my soul’. The choir then sang Psalm 149, which was followed by a reading from the book of Nehemiah, delivered by Edward Holloway, High Sheriff of Worcestershire.

The second reading from the gospel according to John by His Honour Judge Robert Juckes, QC, followed the Song of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which was recited beautifully by the choir, after which we all joined in the Apostles’ Creed.

The Reverend Canon Dr Stephen Edwards, residentiary canon, preached the sermon before the Reverend Anne Potter led us in the Prayers of Intercession. The Evensong service was closed with the singing of the National Anthem, before we all processed out of the Cathedral to the Chapter House, where we enjoyed refreshments.

I’d like to thank to Edward for his kind invite and for allowing me to be a part of this lovely Shrievalty Service.